June 4, 2010

Caring for your Swarovski Crystal

Perhaps the worst (and most common) mistake that Swarovski crystal owners make is using the wrong cleaning agent or cleaning cloth on their prized collection. Commercial cleaning solutions should never, ever be used on fine crystal. Likewise, most cleaning cloths are made of fibrous materials which can easily ruin the perfect crystal surface.

For expensive or home decor items, it is recommended to use a Swarovski crystal polishing/cleaning cloth (available through licensed dealers). These cloths are designed to gently, but thoroughly, clean the crystal without causing any minute scratches or residue. The company also offers smaller cleaning kits for delicate items, such as jewelry or crystal beads.

For small, less expensive items, crystal collectors can use a common household product safely and effectively: baby wipes! Crystal necklaces can be laid, one bead at a time, across a baby wipe. Then, gently roll the crystal with your fingers inside the wipe, removing residue from all sides. Repeat until all beads are clean.

You can also use a mild cleaning solution of 1 tbsp. rubbing alcohol, 3/4 c. water, and 1/2 tbsp. dawn dish soap. Place this mixture into a container with a tightly sealed lid. Vigorously shake the container to mix the solution. Place your crystal jewelry inside and seal the lid. Allow it to sit in the solution for 1 minute, gently swirl the container for 30 seconds, and then allow it to sit once again for 30 more seconds. Remove the items promptly, as keeping them in the solution any longer might damage the crystals. Rinse them under lukewarm running water, and then dry with a soft cloth.

If you're looking for a gift that is sure to be treasured for generations, Swarovski Crystal is the perfect choice. Visit www.giftshop1234.com for authentic crystal gifts and more.

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